
One of the largest sensor and component companies in the industrial automation business with a reputation for quality. The only company whose offering spans the entire spectrum from relays and sensors to advanced PLCs, SCADA & IOT systems.

Delta is one of the largest manufacturers of SMPS, OEM & ODM automation products. Delta is well known for their automation, motion control & power quality products. Delta is an ideal brand for small machines, OEMs & economical automation solutions.

Panasonic is one of the market leaders in laser marking, clean room, ionizing & motion solutions. With the addition of SUNX sensors to their portfolio Panasonic now boasts of a broad line up of safety & optical sensing solutions as well.

Honeywell is one of the largest manufacturers & market leaders in optical code reading & thermal printing solution that cater to a wide variety of industries from hospitality and retail to warehousing, automotive and manufacturing.

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