Power Plants

Thermal – Energy monitoring and management system (EMS): Energy management system or EMS is a system, automated with help of computer technology, used for monitoring and controlling operations for the purpose of optimizing performance. The operation includes generation and transmission of energy. This is also called as SCADA. The process brings energy (thermal) efficiency and automated control of building energy.

Boiler control Automation: automating boilers in an industrial processing plant is called Boiler control automation. Boilers are the basic source of hot water and steam for some plants. It requires high efficiency and the best safety measures. This is where the need of automation services comes into play. A centralized monitoring and automation system is required to control the whole plant.

Gas Power plant automation: the main objectives of a gas power plant are generation, transmission and distribution of gas form it source. This process consists of stage by stage complex operations. The situation is highly complex and thus needs proper control measures. Our company can help by rending our assistance of automation to such industries for the best price and premium quality.

Pipe line systems and Monitoring: the purpose of installing pipeline systems are for transporting commodities that are in the liquid, semi-liquid or gaseous state. Industries that deal with Pipe line systems and Monitoring have to face many challenges t like distance, pressure, environment, etc. A control and automation system will help t reduce risk, effort and resources.

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